Monday, May 4, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Hey guys. Allow me to introduce myself. As far as you're concerned my name is Alex. I'm 17 years old and I am a gay, male, citizen of America. I'm using this blog rather selfishly actually, I'm hoping that by using this blog as an outlet I can vent some of my pent up frustration and anger. I also hope, though, that this blog can instill hope and courage in people that may be in the position I was in 5 years ago. I found solace in things I read on the internet before I came out. Don't worry, other people do it too, don't be ashamed. I've taken and taken and taken from this amazing community of brave souls and I decided it was high time I gave back. If I come off as juvenile or my writing seems a bit rudimentary, just recall the fact that I am only 17. But this 17 year-old has something to say. Even if no one listens, I've got to let it out.

First off, I know what you're thinking. Why the hell should I listen to this kid? Quite honestly... I have no clue. Give me a chance though. If what I say means nothing to you I'll still be here, writing.

I guess you could say that the inspiration for this blog came from 3 places. One was a forum I joined not to long ago:, one was a film directed by Jonah Markowitz ( a fellow gay man) called "Shelter", and a film I just watched and grew to love called "Get Real". After watching these films and going on "GTF" I've realized that there are so many things no one says but everyone thinks. I want to get all of that out in the open.

Some days I'll be talking about something that happened today or I might tell you a story about something that happened years ago. I promise that it all means something though. Please don't hesitate to email me. I really want to hear from you. My email address is I have it connected to my BlackBerry, so if you need to talk at 2AM and I see the message come in I really will respond as soon as I get it... Girl Scout's honor ;)

I'm going to end this introductory post with these words by Harvey Milk:
"all young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential."


  1. "Alex"
    From GTF, and I'm really really really glad we inspired you to do this, GTF and Get Real are both forcing my envelope of coming out. Maybe I should see Shelter too... Anyways, I like your style, laid back yet purposeful, I'll keep up with this, and good luck :awesome:

  2. Nice intro. Nice idea.

    Wizid - GTF

  3. Very nice I like it.

    timiscool - GTF

  4. I just saw get real, it's sooooo good! Thanks to you :) I also just became a member of GTF, you blog is great. Keep up the good work bro!
